Thursday 27 September 2012

First Planting

How exciting. Today some of our younger pupils got planting. They planted cabbages, carrots, lettuce and beans. We are quiet excited about coming back from the holidays to see what has grown.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Fill Them Up Boys

We are only one step away from sowing seeds and planting plants. This morning the top soil for our raised gardens arrived. One of our Dad's is a truck driver and he delivered it for us. This afternoon the boys in Room 11 shifted the soil into the four other gardens (the truck filled one). It took two and a half hours (and a number of mandarins) to complete this part of the process.

Soil and Compost Arrives

Things are getting quite exciting. Today the soil and the compost arrived for the raised gardens. All that is needed now is to fill the boxes with the soil and compost and then the planting can begin.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Raised Gardens Go Up

Over the previous couple of weeks the boys have armed themselves with hammers and headed down to the garden area to put together the framework for the raised gardens.  Today we worked with Graeme, our caretaker, to erect the raised gardens.  We had to make sure they were square before we could peg them.  Once pegged we nailed the garden boxes to the pegs so that when we filled them with soil they would not move.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Timber For The Raised Gardens Finally Arrives

Today the timber for our raised gardens arrived.  It will only be a matter of days now before we start building them!!